Traditional methods of cleaning water, including treating water with chlorine prior adding it to the mains – generally resulting in an unpopular taste; other companies have improved taste for Point of Use coolers with disposable, plastic housed filters.
6 million of these plastic filters are thrown away every year.
Resulting in over 1,000 tonnes of non-biodegradable plastic being sent to landfill.
The OASIS® Green Filter System is a patented reusable system.
The only part that needs to be discarded is the biodegradable filter media — all of the other parts can be reused over and over again.
Two main benefits:
max. 5
Sediment, Rust, Sand, Stones, Particles
Sediment Filter:
100% polypropylene microfbers. Reduces sediments and improves the texture, taste and clarity of your water.
Dirt holding capacity: 60 gr.
Special Features: