Traditional methods of cleaning water, including treating water with chlorine prior adding it to the mains – generally resulting in an unpopular taste; other companies have improved taste for Point of Use coolers with disposable, plastic housed filters.
6 million of these plastic filters are thrown away every year.
Resulting in over 1,000 tonnes of non-biodegradable plastic being sent to landfill.
The OASIS® Green Filter System is a patented reusable system.
The only part that needs to be discarded is the biodegradable filter media — all of the other parts can be reused over and over again.
Two main benefits:
Equiv. 0.02
Sediment, Rust, Sand, Stones, Particles, Viruses, Pharmaceutical & Chemical Waste
Remedi Filter:
Pleated high fiber surface area non-woven filter media utilizing advanced technology of electro-adhesion capable of removing a wide range of water borne contaminants.
Remedi is made of Ahlstrom Disruptor® – a non-woven pleated matrix of thermally bonded blend of microglass fibers & cellulose infused with nanoalumina fibers that creates an electro-positively charged depth filter media, infused with Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC). It provides a unique combination of high effciency, capacity, fow rate & low pressure drop at levels unmatched in today’s filtration marketplace. Reduces CTO, pharmaceutical and chemical wastes, heavy metals (copper, iron, lead, tin), cysts, viruses and bacteria.
• for CTO: 10,598 L with >50% effciency, for lead: 1,230 L with +90% effciency.
• for pharmaceutical and chemical wastes: 756,400 L, >99.9% ( Penicillin G, BPA, Flumequine).
• for heavy metal: Copper, Iron, Lead, Tin, for cyst: > 99.99% (includes Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia).
• for bacteria: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, E.coli.
• for virus: Poliovirus 1, Echovirus 1, Coxsackievirus B5, Adenovirus, MS2.
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